Yesterday Jon from the CFZ (Centre for Fortean Zoology) sent me the attachaed clipping and said "Wouldn't this be a brilliant addition to Hill Top Holidays?"
Just in case you cannot read the clip at the bottom, it says, "Dinosaur park manager Ashford Price leans on Bronto, who is being given away free - to anyone who can get him home. The National Showcaves Centre for Wales near Swansea is dropping the 2.5 tonne brontosaurus in favour of a huge flesh-eating spinosaurus".
Roy, Dave, Ross and Greg have already measured up and yes, it would be a good addition to the woodland play area. Because it's in Swansea, we were thinking that perhaps we could swim it across - anyone got any better ideas?
Thanks for thinking of us Jon, we are working on it!
Back tomorrow with more Hill Top Tails.