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Friday, 28 May 2010


Good evening! We are having a really busy couple of days. It's half term now and so we are busy with the holiday lets.
Yesterday Jon from the CFZ (Centre for Fortean Zoology) sent me the attachaed clipping and said "Wouldn't this be a brilliant addition to Hill Top Holidays?"
Just in case you cannot read the clip at the bottom, it says, "Dinosaur park manager Ashford Price leans on Bronto, who is being given away free - to anyone who can get him home. The National Showcaves Centre for Wales near Swansea is dropping the 2.5 tonne brontosaurus in favour of a huge flesh-eating spinosaurus".
Roy, Dave, Ross and Greg have already measured up and yes, it would be a good addition to the woodland play area. Because it's in Swansea, we were thinking that perhaps we could swim it across - anyone got any better ideas?
Thanks for thinking of us Jon, we are working on it!
Back tomorrow with more Hill Top Tails.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Hello! The weather has continued to be warm and dry until this evening, when we had quite a bit of rain. It's strange, but when it has been dry for a while, we don't like the rain! Bracken, Brando and Sasha (our pygmy goats) certainly don't like the rain. They disappeared straight into their house - no problem shutting them up tonight, they were happy to be in the dry.
This morning Roy took this photo of the tiniest little rabbit we have ever seen here at Hill Top. You can see how small this litte bunny is, as he is next to a dock leaf! There are lots of rabbits in and out of the hedgerows at the moment, they really are lovely - or is it just that they remind me of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny!
Two more photos of Ross and Mars (his Harris Hawk). We all enjoy watching Ross train Mars in the evenings.
Tomorrow we will show you the new houses Roy and Ross have made for the guinea pigs. Join us for more Hill Top Tails.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Summer at last!

What a fantastic weekend! We have been so busy here at Hill Top, getting ready for the holiday season and making the most of the fantastic weather. We have enjoyed every meal time this weekend, sitting in the garden, looking out to sea - it has been just wonderful - the one down side being the hayfever!
Everyone has been working hard - all the animals have had their cages cleaned, Beth came to help put new jesses on the barn owls, the fields have been cut, driveway strimmed, pygmy goats walked on their leads for the first time and Rossi has been continuing to train Mars etc. etc. We thought you might like to share some of our pictures.
We hope you had a great weekend too - we just hope the lovely weather will continue.
Back with more Hill Top Tails tomorrow.

Friday, 21 May 2010

Bluebell the Badger Cub

Welcome back. As promised, I have some pictures of Bluebell the badger cub. We work with Beth of the Hartland Wildlife Rescue and she was called out four weeks ago to rescue a badger cub in distress. Beth took the badger to the vets to have her checked over and she has been living with Beth ever since, having the run of half her house. Bluebell loves playing with her Yorkshire Terrier and her Husky - they get on really well. Bluebell eats scrambled egg, kitten meat, raisins , mealworms and cake!!!
On Tuesday Beth is taking Bluebell to a safe badger sactuary, where she will live with other badgers. Badgers need to be in a family group and the sanctuary can offer that.
Whilst Beth will be really sad to see Bluebell go, she knows it is in her bests interests. Beth rescues so many wild animals and nurses them back to health, and if she ever needs an extra bed for a hedgehog, dove, pigeon etc. then Hill Top always tries to help out. We are very lucky to have such a kind, caring person as Beth in our area. Long may her good work continue.
We hope you are all enjoying the wonderful summer weather today - it's great!
Thank you for reading. We hope you can join us again tomorrow.

Thursday, 20 May 2010


Hello again! I was hoping to bring you some pictures of Beth (from the Hartland Wildlife Rescue) with her baby badger, Bluebell, this evening, but as yet I'm just waiting to hear from Beth, so I will post those on tomorrow evening.
You may well have followed our stories of Bracken & Dreamer, the Barn Owls. They are absolutely gorgeous and we thought you would like to see our most recent photo. They are real soulmates. We have had some eggs, but no owlets yet!!
The pygmy goats, Bracken (Mum), Brando and Sasha seem to be really happy in their new home. They have enjoyed themselves out running around today, as yesterday it was a bit wet and they hate the rain - a bit like me!
Join us again tomorrow, for more Hill Top Tails. Take care.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Welcome back. As promised, here are some pictures of Ross with his Harris Hawk, named Mars. Ross completed a falconry course and is currently training Mars. We thought you would enjoy some of the pictures. Mars is a really beautiful bird of prey and as you can see Ross is thoroughly enjoying training him.
Back tomorrow with more updates at Hill Top and the story of Beth and Bluebell the baby badger.
Thank you for reading our Blog.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Millie's Babies

Hi everyone - Welcome back to Hill Top Tails! Last time I wrote I promised to tell you more about our hedgehogs. Millie's babies, born last year - seven of which survived (not sure if this is some sort of a record for the number of baby hedgehogs in one litter!) are all doing really well. Roy and Ross have built them a new home in the woods - providing them with a safe, natural habitat. If we go down to the pen around dusk then you can hear and see all the hedgehogs out in the leaves, eating and drinking. The hedgehogs are really special here at Hill Top as Millie was hand reared by Ross & Greg and came from the Hartland Wildlife Rescue. We'll keep you posted with their progress.
Ross completed his falconry course in February and has had his Harris Hawk, named Mars, since the 30th of April. He has been working hard traing Mars and tomorrow we will introduce you to him.
Thank you for reading our blog. We'll be back tomorrow, best wishes from All at Hill Top.